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Charis Foundation to Educate on Sickle Cell Disease at Missions 2018

The yearn for creating an impact in my society has been an arrow head in my dream for success. A little after high school, I was diagnosed with oral polyps and had to undergo a surgery. I had the opportunity to have a laboratory test myself for the first time. I was dump folded when I realised I was positive with the sickling aspects. It was then that I began to find some answers to most of my unanswered questions. My uncle teamed up with my mother to keep this from me since childhood.

Because of this and most importantly the financial difficulties my family went through when trying to cater for my medical needs, I, therefore, thought it wise to establish Charis foundation to help address the needs of Sickle Cell patients who are under privileged one way or the other with an “empty bag of funds” to provide for their health needs considering the experiences I had when growing up. My heartfelt gratitude to Zawadi Girls African Fund and Soronko Academy for their support since the inception of this initiative.

Despite public perception, sickle cell disease still exists and continues to devastate the lives of so many individuals and their families.Education and public information are the most effective tools for increasing awareness of sickle cell disease. With television news and radio waves flooded around popular health issues, sickle cell disease has been ultimately placed on the back burner. The fact is, the disease was identified in 1910 and yet many people still do not know enough about its origins and incidence rate.

Unfortunately, the less privileged suffer the most sometimes due to negligence or they are not aware of their status. This increases the deaths with sickle cell each year which is quite alarming. The issue of sickle cell is ever present in most communities across the country and in Africa as a whole.

While Charis Foundation’s primarily service is to help the less privileged sickling, it is also committed to educating and increasing awareness throughout the country.Our cause is not limited to a region as sickle cell disease does not limit itself to a region.Sickle Cell Disease knows no boundaries.With increasing numbers, this disease is affecting individuals and families from various ethnic, economic and geographical backgrounds.

Our purpose will be ongoing, and our need will be ever present. If babies continue to be born with sickle cell diseases and sickle cell traits, there will be a need for our services.

As part of the Beauty in Small Deeds Project this year, there will be a free screening for all children for sickle cell diseases and a follow-up clinic by the Community Hospital - Oda.

Until there is cure, we will continue to serve.

Esther Oduro,

(President of Charis Foundation),

Ashesi University,

Berekuso, Eastern Region,


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