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We are open to new collaborations & partnerships.

At DoctorsAct, we value partnerships and collaborations. We believe that in the progress we envision in our future relies heavily on successful partnerships across the world.

What we look for

We are confident that by working together, we can discover, develop and the deliver the best services to all patrons of our various projects. This approach helps us to grow and set higher standards to improve the quality of life of those who benefit from our programs.

DoctorsAct is open to new partnerships with all our projects. We are also open to new ideas and collaborations with companies in our industry.

Ways to collaborate

We seek to have headline partners for all our projects namely, the annual Beauty in Small Deeds Medical Missions, the Save-our-liver-today Hepatitis B campaign, the Dream Alive Scholarship Fund, the Community Social Entrepreneurship Project, Christmas with the kids at the orphanage homes and First Aid Support Tool.

We are also looking for institutions, schools, communities that are ready to welcome DoctorsAct establish our local chapters. Our local chapters benefit from career guidance, first-aid training, and individual development skills.

To provide emergency and first aid stands for events, workshops and seminars.

Health screening exercises for small groups and masses.

Contact Us

Connect with us via or use our online contact forms.

Our global team of professionals and students are always open to building diverse collaborations. Let us hear from you today.

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